Haywood? Sign of pending share offering?Hey Eidiot,
To answer your question "why not wait"? Because it has happened before where one has waited for a certain price drop, and it never happened. The results were simple. Missed the boat, and paid a heavy price accordingly. The reality is that it will be worst to be caught out of this stock when it does take off, then it is to ride the market waves.
It also appears to me that you are starting to panic. The SP isn't coming down fast enough for you, so you continue to re-post over and over and over again. Give it up. If you are so convince that a stock offering is in the works, then wait for it to happen and buy back in. If you are not positive a stock offering is in the works, then keep bashing & bashing. Your predictions aren't creditable as they come with some pretty obvious conflict of interest.
Finally, we are in a penny stock. Dilutions are a fact of life. There will be hurdles for BNC to jump, and hills to climb. Because of where they are attempting to go, the hurdles are plenty, and the hills are steep. These are challenges that all great companies had to encounter and overcome at some point. The question is whether this company has the goods to move forward. I, like most of the BNC investors, believe they do. This would also explain the low sell volume. A vast majority aren't selling. You should up your medication and remember, the greatest of the almighty oaks, all started from a little tiny acorn.