dpoc - call the doc.you really ought to have yourself checked out. or checked in. bipolar disorder has to be a tough condition to live with. it is remarkable to see you go from tail-wagging enthusiast to ranting, battered malcontent from one post to the other...and you've been doing it for 2 or more years.
one moron sells 60,000 shares at the market, so it must be the end of the world. total dollars traded yesterday: give or take $25,000. Woe be you. In case you haven't noticed, there's a little bit of volatility in the markets. And read my historical posts. TNG isn't doing any worse than bank stocks. Except in the case of bank stocks, the sell offs are on huge volume, and for good reasons. do yourself a favor, sell your position, stop suffering! i feel sorry for you...
And i've never pumped, i offer reasoned, informed opinions.
legend (patient investor, not even remotely a broker).