sorry ut i have to postthis again, for those who did not see it. take not that this is from a G&D newsletter and they
even mention defense and mobil entertainment_AW has never even mentioned these before in
conjuction with G&D. I think all will be awakened tues or wed of this week
G&D recently established a strategic relationship with
Route1, a trusted provider of security and identity managementnetwork solutions. Route1 and G&D will provide nextgeneration, identity management solutions encompassingall industries from defense to banking, telecommunications
and mobile entertainment. Route1’s suite of identity
management subscription services, including PurLINK™
for secure web access and TruOFFICE for secure remote
access, are being integrated with G&D’s StarSign® productfamily of smart cards and eIdentity tokens to deliverhighly secure, two-factor authenticated access to digital