RE: News Sirit contractYes Jan, 300k isn't a lot of money, but it is a stepping stone that a company like Sirit MUST take to gain the knowledge and respect before landing the BIG contract(s).
But, I do enjoy taking an active role of reading and discussing a company like Sirits (One of the companies I think has the greatest potential than most others in my portfolio)
OneDay, thank you for enlightening me on this subject, and as for the RFID teeth, I think it would be kinda creepy knowing that I am able to broadcast a signal at any time. Seems like the legendary 'Mark of the beast' to me.
I would really enjoy seeing RFID built into many little electronics, ipods, laptops, it can even help us find the remote control!!!
I think a good way to use RFID as a means of child protection, or any kind of person tracking would be best built into jewlerry, or something along those lines, maybe even a gold tooth : P
I think Sirit is taking every appropriate steps to obtain the goal that we all have for it.
I would enjoy seeing a nice contract coming soon (Just a thought), I think as more companies are integrating RFID into many of their products, and inventory uses, the more money there is.
And when the time comes Sirit will have gained the proper background to handle a big job.
It would be nice to partner up with a Car company, and eventually as technology progresses, obviously gaining a contract with the government providing RFID tags on drivers license, or passports. Something like that, the future of RFID looks almost dangerous, I think we are all choosing the right horse to back.
Happy Trading