RE: National.
KerBer... spot on... an accurate review of what RS has accomplished. He has built two listed companies which have both recently become cashflow positive.
On the other hand, what tangible has Gary Kirk accomplished?? He managed to get fired from Pat after only 5 months and recently he's promoted IESO from $1.50 down to $0.02. Never cashflow positive. He now refuses to communicate with his own shareholders and still can't resist attacking his past employers. Quite the accomplishments, Gary.
Although the whining on these boards by the Kirk clan serves no useful purpose, it does show that 1.5 years after Kirk's firing they remain invested and interested in both of RS's companies. Contrast this to the fact that they have lost hope and gone silent on the IESO board. So effectively the Kirk underlings have abandoned Gary and they continue to follow RS; actions do speak louder than words.