GREY:VMSTF - Post by User
Post by
mbgldon Apr 13, 2008 9:12am
Post# 14965859
For any geologists in the group
For any geologists in the groupThis is from the latest NR:
"The multiple intervals ofNear Solid Sulphide in drillhole RD-08-36 appear to represent a narrowvein-like zone of remobilized sulphides and are quite distinct from themain part of the sulphide deposit. The sulphides in this hole appear tohave been mobilized along the margin of a late mafic dike. Results fromthis phase of drilling have provided considerable insight into thenature of the deposit. One of the more significant conclusions is thatwe have not yet found the intensely altered rocks that are commonlyassociated with the central portions of a VMS deposit. It appears fromthe available evidence that we are still at the margin of a VMSmineralized system."
Is there always a central portion to a VMS deposit or could there be just numerous groups of veinlets ?