Market Call Pick
Mr Godin considers Home Capital, which is involved in the residentialmortgage market and has some credit card business, the solid playerhere in Canada. “It is currently benefiting from the collapse of thecommercial paper market, in that the other non-traditional mortgageplayers like Xceed are experiencing a lot of difficulties because theyare unable to access financing. Home Capital Group remains the keyplayer in the non-traditional mortgage market in Canada, has no issuesin having access to capital and keeps on growing at quite a tremendousrate while still providing very high returns... It is not sufferingfrom any credit issues as it has its own wholesale access to varioussources of financing. The Canadian residential market in general isstill quite healthy, it is not in the same paradigm as the U.S. marketis. So the share price has been up and down from $42 to $32, but theresults keeping kicking in, and revenues and earnings keep on coming atroughly more than 30% year-over-year. So it’s a cheap stock.”