Expect to see a Partial Assays NR from FWR McFauldWell I called Mac Watson during noon, told him I was a shareholder andasked if now's a convenient time to talk to him since it was lunchtime,he was very friendly, about to leave with some coworker for lunch Iassume, so I made it quick. This is the dialogue, and the questions heanswered for me. I typed them out on my work computer.
"Clarence Streams might be bigger than Windfall for the reason beingthat if we hit x amount of ounces of gold, I will not tell you buttherewill be a NR out this week about the assay results for ClarenceStreams,then we can turn it into a mine. It would be feasible too and we'llcontinue drilling more. There is a possibility of a halt for theClarence Stream assay holes if the labs recommend it to the TSXregulators. Yes that should be something for shareholders to digest.TheMcFauld Lake, personally I don't know how fast the labs are shootingout assays, but SPQ is the operator and I've been informed that wehave received some partial assays and samples back from them, and itgoes to the geology department, we expect more this week. We have moreholes to drill on our own property around the summer time, so don'texpect this to be the only holes, we have a lot more coming our way."
So here's to the longs, we're getting there, expect partial NR.
FWR's partial assays mineralization might extend to our lands.