Tough Times for AllFirst of All I just want to say I check the TMM board daily ,,,,,,and enjoy all your posts (good and Bad) . Secondly I am a believer in the company and a long term shareholder.
But the longer I watch these juniors the more I try to predict the sh/price the more I realize I don't know much about what actually fluctuates share price.
I am also not convinced one or two quarters of good numbers in production will do it for TMM.
I am watching another company close and I am sure some of you are too........(Great Panther Resources).
The company keeps beating there production Goals, Earnings up 10 million from last year , keep finding more product at better grades etc . etc. .....and yet yesterday I think it was trading around $1.08 p/share .
These Juniors are really having a ruff time of it. Most of you guys have probably read this but I have attached a Great Panther news release below for you guys to read just as an example how these companies report such good numbers when in production and yet it does nothing for the shareprice. ??
I think TMM and others such as ( GPR ) are way undervalued............ and the saying "Every Dog has Its Day " will come in time ,,,,,,, But might take some patience for this entire sector to come around......
As far as predicting a furture shareprice for TMM ,,,,,,,I can say I have a 100% track record on my predictions,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yes,,,,,,I have been wrong 100% of the time,,,,,,LoL
I hope this sector turns around for us all ,,,,,Good luck and keep the posts comings ...
Great Panther's Record Output Continues With 431,639 Ag Eq Oz in Q1
Forecasting 1.75 million Ag Eq Oz, including 1.15 million ounces of silver, for 2008
17:21 EDT Monday, April 07, 2008
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 7, 2008) - GreatPanther Resources Limited (TSX:GPR) (the "Company") is very pleased toreport that the operations improvement at both its 100% owned Mexicanmines continues, with many quarterly production records being broken.The benefits from the ongoing exploration and the mine development atGuanajuato and Topia are now being realized.
Operational highlights include:
- Highest ever metal production of 431,639 silver equivalent ounces(Ag Eq Oz), a 24% increase over the previous quarter, and an increaseof 36% over the first quarter of 2007.
- New record for total production of 285,139 ounces of silver, a 35%increase over the previous quarter, and an increase of 59% over thefirst quarter of 2007.
- Records for silver and gold production from Guanajuato; at 198,663ounces Ag and 1,369 ounces Au, were up by 56% and 45%, respectively,compared to the fourth quarter of 2007.
- Records for silver and lead production from Topia; at 86,476ounces and 217 tonnes, were up by 4% and 12%, respectively, compared tothe fourth quarter 2007.
(Silver equivalents for 2008 are established using prices of US$800/oz Au, US$16/oz Ag, US$1.15/lb Pb and US$1.00/lb Zn.)
The Q1 2008 production of 431,639 Ag Eq Oz from both of GreatPanther's mines includes 285,139 oz of silver, 1,589 oz of gold,478,400 lbs of lead, and 523,400 lbs of zinc. This production levelrepresents a 24% increase over the previous quarter, and an increase of36% over the first quarter 2007.
The Guanajuato Mine produced a record 198,663 ounces of silver and1,369 ounces of gold, from processing 40,393 tonnes of ore with averagegrades of 1.40g/t gold and 188g/t silver. The ore grades were 74%higher than the 2007 average and the production of silver and gold was56% and 45%, respectively, greater than in the previous quarter. Theturnaround reflects the success of the grade control measures coupledwith the higher grade ore sources, a direct benefit from exploring anddeveloping access to the Cata Clavo, Guanajuatito, Rayas andPromontorio mining areas.
The metal output in terms of equivalent ounces of silver, at 267,132Ag Eq Oz, the processing plant metal recoveries, at 75.5% for gold and81.5% for silver, and the concentrate quality of 6.40 kg/t silver, wereall the highest for any quarter to date. The improvement plans for theGuanajuato plant were initiated in December and further improvement isexpected as more modifications are being made. Improvements were madein the crushing plant, to deliver a consistent and finer mill feed; thegrinding circuit, by increasing the power draw to produce a finerflotation feed; and in the flotation circuit, where the reagents werereplaced in March with the effect of increasing the concentrate quality.
Mine development was focused on deepening the Guanajuatito area inthe northwest portion of the mine property, at the deep Clavo de Catain the central part, and exploratory development of the Promontorioarea. Production from Guanajuato is projected to increase further in2008. The internal, inclined ore hoisting shaft, servicing the 430Level of the Cata Clavo area, was recommissioned and is now fullyoperational; cut and fill mining of the Guanajuatito Zona Norte isestablished on two levels; and exploratory development of two levels atPromontorio is in progress.
In addition, Great Panther Resources has committed to the purchaseof two new 3.5 yd3 scoop trams, to be supplied by Atlas Copco fordelivery by the end of the 2nd quarter, which will further enhanceunderground development and production performance.
Underground development is being supported by three smallunderground diamond drills, and exploration drilling continues in theCata Clavo area to a depth of 200 metres below current workings, withall drillholes intersecting mineralization and excellent assay resultsbeing reported. Further exploration of this and the area between it andthe prolific Rayas Clavo will continue through 2008.
In the first quarter, the Topia operations produced 86,476 ounces ofsilver, 220 ounces of gold, 217 tonnes of lead, and 237 tonnes of zinc,or 164,507 Ag Eq Oz. Silver production was a record 4% above theprevious record quarter and 19% above the same period last year. Leadproduction was also a record, at 12% above the last quarter and 6%above the previous record quarter of a year ago. The Topia plantprocessed 9,457 tonnes of ore at grades of 326g/t Ag, 0.8g/t Au, 2.80%Pb and 2.89% Zn, and achieved excellent overall recoveries of 87.2% forAg, 91.0% for Au, 81.8% for Pb and 86.8% for Zn.
The Topia operations are continuing to demonstrate improvements as adirect result of the investment to rehabilitate the many small mines,to explore, with surface and underground diamond drilling, and todevelop the veins for production mining. On the Argentina vein, theproduction sub-level above Level 2 has exposed excellent vein widthsand ore grades which confirm intersections from earlier surfacedrilling, (refer to drill results for A04-04 shown on the Argentinalongitudinal section on the Company website at,while the ramp has been extended to access the main level and is beingdeepened further to the 3rd and 4th levels. A decline has been drivenfrom the Oliva Mine and has accessed the Victoria adit level, a mainadit which intersects many veins including the Argentina vein below the6th level. This level had been inaccessible for many years and it willprovide access to the lower levels of the Argentina vein. The DonBenito vein is being developed for production at four locations and isexpected to provide a source of higher grade ore, (refer to the planand longitudinal entitled "Underground Exploration on the Don BenitoVein" on the Company website).
With the ongoing improvements in the mines and plants, the Companyanticipates that quarterly production will continue to climb throughoutthe remainder of 2008 such that the Q1 production is on target to meetor exceed the annual goal of 1.75 million Ag Eq Oz.
Robert F. Brown, P.Eng. and Vice President of Exploration for theCompany is the Qualified Person for both the Guanajuato Mine and theTopia Mine, under the meaning of NI 43-101. Aspects of both minesrelating to mining and metallurgy are overseen by Charles Brown, ChiefOperating Officer for Great Panther and its Mexican subsidiary, MineraMexicana El Rosario, S.A. de C.V.