GO!!GO!!When the U.S. major oil cos. explored for oil in Saudi Arabia they targeted areas with salt domes.The drilling of these formations resulted in the largest hydrocarbon discoveries ever found as Saudi Arabia still has the largest conventional oil deposits in the world.The well drilled by SLM etal encountered a 200m.salt formation at a depth of about 2800m.I'm not a geologist, but I would interpet this as a good sign,particularly as adjoining blocks with producing wells had the same formations and similar seismic signatures.Water was encountered in the salt zone and this made it necessary to cement the well to prevent water from flowing down and jeopardize the well. All these things plus the cement truck breaking down resulted in longer than normal delays.The hydrocarbon zone is 200m. thick and represents apotential one billion barrel plus deposit.This is very substantial and if successful would result in SLM being a multi $ stock.I think its worth taking a chance on and staying until completion.