RE: Orion Sosuth is worthless.Orion South and the Star are extremely similar in grade and value per carat. The grade is running about 18 cpht or .18 cpt if you prefer. At $180 per carat the rock value is $32.40 per ton and the cost to mine mill and administer it is about $12 a ton. The capital expenditure is about $5 a ton, to strip, build the mill and the required engineering.. In short every ton is worth $15 a ton. Now take 50,000 tons a day and the profit is 750,000 a day and $270 ,000,000 a year which is $1.42 a share PROFIT.
Now take a PE ratio of 20:1 and the stock is worth $28.40.
I just came from the AGM and I can tell you for a fact that they knew the release yesterday was going to be poor but they wanted to put the shaft in OS in that particular place for better access to other phases underground.
The 43 101 Resource is imminent!!!!!!!!!! That was mentioned about ten times. Nothing has changed and they are still on line to have the 43 101 Reserve, the bankable etc all done by the end of 2008. The stripping will start in mid 2009.
I would like to suggest you learn your facts and figures before posting the direction of the stock price based on information that you don't know anything about.
The Grizz