RE: A viewGoing on about a week it was? How everyone got out. How about those shares where did they go now that they have been traded. Some went to new hands and some were added to positions they already held. Some were likely also shorted. But in the end the shares still are in someones hands. And some were sold and bought back. So the big question is how many shares were traded back to the same hands after the week.
In the end we have the same degree of holders we had before the start of run up. Maybe a few new holders at the top and some new holders at the bottom but the number of shares are still in play no matter where they sit.
A double from 35 can cause a picture of what just happened but can you see the whole picture to guess where
the shares were moved to and decide people all got out because of the risk ?
The risk is less then it was in my mind. Another 22.5 million just came to the table as investment toward what p can become looking forward. There own plant and the money is already in place to build it. Can't beat that news. It sure will beat out getting orders that a second hand is taking our profits on orders P gets in the end.
Its going to take some time to get up and running and we still have to get orders to produce in this new plant.
I feel safe putting in a few thousand when someone else is putting in millions. When a share price doubles you can expect lots of trading of shares it tells you nothing of where p is going looking forward. You'll be right when you sold at .75 and wrong again some where down the road when its $1.50.
Play your hand your way is always the right thing to do.