First well abandonedPreeceville Drilling Update
Monday June 2, 9:20 am ET
WINNIPEG, June 2 /CNW/ - Donald Benson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. ("Nordic" or, the "Company"), today announced that the Company has seen some indications of the presence of oil during the drilling of its first well at Preeceville, Saskatchewan.
"Our site geologist has advised us that he has found an oil film and droplets of oil in the drilling fluid coming over the shaker, and that he has seen some oil staining on samples taken," Mr. Benson said. "Analysis of the stained samples has shown the existence of fluorescents, an indication that oil may be present. Furthermore, our site geologist has also stated that some samples have good porosity."
However, due to the intersection of faults, the well deviated and the drilling tools became lodged in the hole and cannot be dislodged. As a result, the well is being abandoned and the rig will be deployed to the second site where drilling will commence this week.