I spoke to investor relations this morning
He admitted it was pretty embarassing.
Said they had triple double checked the numbers and they are definitely right now.
When I challenged him on the difference between a billion and a million being a factor of 1000 he said he understood that, but the math was more complex than it seemed and they were sure they were right now. He tried to explain the difference and I couldn't "get it" over the phone (probably because an IR guy couldn't do the math himself).
So, here's a little more info:
(a) The Chinese geologists took 60 samples with them and should announce results eventually but the earth quake has slowed that down.
(b) He didn't have any date for the 50 m grid sampling and said it was something like September.
(c) There is some more financing news coming. Don't know what that is. Maybe someone could call back and get clarification.
(d) There's something about centrifuge results coming. Maybe someone could call back and get clarification on that.