June19, 2008: Takara Resources Inc. (TKK:V)(“Takara”) announced today that 3,000 line kilometre,high-resolution aeromagnetic and radiometric geophysical surveys have beencompleted at the Basket Lake Uranium Project, located near Dryden innorthwestern Ontario. Final results from the high resolution magneticssurvey have been delivered and the data is being reviewed; full results fromthe radiometrics survey are pending.
Thefixed-wing, High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic (HRAM) survey was completed overthe 216 km2 property. The survey was flown by Firefly AviationLtd. of Calgary at 100 m line spacing. Preliminary interpretation hasidentified a series of cross-cutting, linear structural elements, which spanthe Property. Data from the survey has assisted in redefiningtargeting for Takara’s upcoming field exploration program.
Asfollow up, a fixed-wing airborne radiometrics survey was carried out by GoldakAirborne Surveys of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The survey covered theentire Property at 100 m line spacing and field data processing is currentlyunderway. In combination with the HRAM data, the radiometrics willprovide the detail and constraints for the upcoming geological mapping,prospecting/sampling and ground-truthing program. A further explorationbudget has been allocated to complete surface trenching and diamond drilling ofpotential uranium targets, scheduled for fall 2008.
Thedeposit model to be tested for the Property is that of pegmatite hosted uraniummineralization, as seen at Richard Lake. There is also potential forstructurally focused, high grade uranium mineralization and porphyry-styleuranium mineralization, similar in style and potential to the low-grade, largetonnage, uranium deposits such as those being mined at Rossing, in Namibia.
TheProperty is located approximately 65 km east of Dryden, Ontario - anunderexplored area that is prospective for uranium. Takara acquired a100% interest in the Property because of: 1) numerous, clustering anomalousuranium concentrations published in government lake sediment data; 2)historically documented rare earth element occurrences on the Property and inthe area and; 3) the presence of the nearby Richard Lake uranium deposit,currently the target of an exploration drilling program being conducted byDelta Uranium Inc (TSX:DUR).Furthermore, the Property is located close to established infrastructureincluding major highways, rail, and power lines thereby facilitating low costexploration in an area with documented uranium potential.
Dr. Scott Jobin-Bevans, P.Geo., VicePresident Exploration, is a “Qualified Person” as defined inNational Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed the technical information presentedin this News Release.
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For furtherinformation, please contact:
Jennifer L.Boyle, President
Takara ResourcesInc.
(647) 430-0966(work)
Pamela Strand,Chairperson of the board
Takara ResourcesInc.
(780) 435-0045(work)