gxsGXS, the lucky one that kicked this off. Did a hundred bagger. Five thou turned into a half million bucks. What's not to like? Even if you bought at a dollar. That's a 20 bagger. Of course, you were kicking yourself for not buying at 20 cents and say a 5 bagger at a dollar, just about too late to get on board. But you did, and you're pretty happy.
What amazes me is the GXS board. Guys like GXSSCAM appear from nowhere and bash, b*tch, complain.
That tells volumes and should go on everyone's ignore list. But wait, GXSSCAM serves a useful purpose for the intelligent. HE keeps us here. He makes us suspicious. He makes us afraid of being scammed. So instead of scaring us into selling, he's actually inspired us to hold on at least, or even to buy more.
Thanks Scamman. But I bet your boss won't be too happy when he reads this post. You have to be more cleverer and smarterer in your job. Be like your leader. Is your children learning? Can fish co-exist with humans, peacefully?
Do you know,
www whatreallyhappened.com ?
Could NAG come close?? Already a ten bagger, satisfaction for most. What of a hundred bagger. Why not?