comfort letters and permitsdoing some quick DD is the order of comfort letters which should correlate in to order of permits
Comfort Letters Permits
GXS May 22 June 17 and June 26
WGF May 27 ??
CAJ May 28 ??
SMI/ SWR May 30 ??
NAG June 9 ??
Use some common sense. Nag applied for over 1,500,000 acrown reserve.cres which is huge however in their own comfort letters they are first in less than 1,000,000. That means that over 500,000 acres were either staked by someone else or they staked over crown reserves. Now would you not think the companies that staked before NAG would have been 1st in the good properties identified gy their Geo's !!
You may have 1,000,000 acres....but how good and close will those lands be once the news comes out!!!!