Noront"At the stage Noront is at now, will they do step out drilling on a grid or will they do exploratory drilling?
Or, will they have enough money to do both? The only mining community I've lived in is Snow Lake.
Once they found the ore body, they had to push a road through the swamp, and build both the mine
and the town. Huge up front costs. Difficult terrain. Ore bodies never seem to conveniently occur
beside the highway and the power lines"
They are doing both. One drill is at the main showing while the other one is targeting other anomalies. This is a bit different from Snow Lake. There wont be any road or town development. The area is too far north. It will be a fly in operation much like other northern canadian mines.
By the way some orebodies do lie along the highway and power lines. The best example that I can think of is Hemlo - a deposit of nearly 100 million tonnes of 4 g/t gold. I do believe it still is the largest single gold orebody found to date in Canada. One of the three headframes that was sunk into the deposit is about 100 feet from the Trans Caanada Highway.