GREY:ENGFF - Post by User
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BRITNICK27on Jul 09, 2008 11:27pm
Post# 15276356
The Dry Hole Myth
The Dry Hole MythI never saw the panic today as I was out swatting, These tight holes can play havoc with the SP of a Oil Company eh?
Some have suggested that if there is a decision to go to 5500 it could mean that Sintez have nothing but dust.
Well fellas that is a load of
Bunk, if they announce continued drilling which I expect will occur before July 16th then you can bet the farm on this having hit hydrocarbons. The estimated depth of the top of the resevoir was approximately 3000 meters reaching to 4200 meters. If they drilled to 4400 meters and hit diddly then they missed it EOS. These are very expensive days and the driller is using private money not public money.
If they go to 5500 I will triple my position. I just hope it stays down at this SP until the release!!