RE: My two cents...That would suggest that all other companies are in the sameboat since no one has released any news of permits. So if some of thesecompanies, likely WGF, SMI/SWR, CAJ, NAG have their permits now then there willbe a mad rush to buy all of them at the time GXS releases their first hole.That means that they are all gambling on the success of that hole. If it comesup dry then what will they do? I realize that it is likely to come up with somecoal. The alternative is that each company is still waiting for permits. WGFwill have lost some of it's advantage as being next in line to GXS for permitsif there is a half dozen companies for people to buy at the same time followingnews of a new coal hole. I guess they have no choice though.
I don't mind waiting either but I do wish someone wouldactually tell the truth , either the government or the company . It seems likea ridiculously long time for the permits considering the companies weresupposed to be in the permit office at the same time. Maybe GXS hasn’t yetreceived the additional permits that they applied for at the same time asWGF? IR at Wescan said that theyexpected to get their permits June 27th or there abouts. Companies do have some time to release news to the public but not that long.