14-14It is for this reason the Company plans to re-enter its 14-14 well. "This location was identified back in 2005 based upon thorough analysis of the seismic data. We tested initially for shale gas, which is why the well was cased at 400 metres. However, we feel that if we drill down to the basement at around 1,100 metres, the potential is there for a discovery." The perforations are being cemented off, and a well license is being applied for.
Going to use a service rig to drill from 400 to 1100 meters- give me a fu*&ing break. or how deep was it originally drilled too? 700 meters will take forever!
too many unknowns with these guys!
I'm bashing and I still own shares- what the Fu%$??
Please someone send me some justification!