Stock price discounting all future events?Stock price discounting all future events?
I think it is safe to say that the SST stock price is ignoring rather than discounting/anticipating future events. The stock price is not "anticipating" the 50% increase in silver sales we are going to have in 2009. Nor does the stock price reflect the high earnings per share (low P-E ratio) we have this year, let alone next year. And finally, the stock price reflects no expectation of new silver streams in the future. Once the market stops ignoring these factors, or changes its collective mind, the stock price will go much higher.
As for new silver streams or other good news, if I was Silverstone I would not release such news into the current brutal market if I didn't have to. For example, a spinoff of the company's exploration properties into a new company is something that they would wait on until September even if they were otherwise ready to do so now. Similarly, a new silver stream if there is one would not be announced until September.