RE: RC flip flops todayFirstly, I own NAG shares and I am currently comfortable having an investment in it today. I'm happy GXS took a bit of a blow today,....the news did affect NAG's price but I think it will nicely recover and benefit because of GXS's bad news. I understand the fact that venture stocks carry risk but in this developing coal story I like NAG's chances of making a solid hit. When I read about the deal struck with the ADAMAS mining group I developed a theory and it got re-enforced today: NAG sought permits, via the input of a renowned geologist, the geologist determined they should seek permits north of the GXS position as glaciers did retreat in that direction and some of those glaciers would have terminated at Hudson's bay.
For Google info on this theory try "coal deposits" +terminators +glaciers
It's just my thoughts, pumpers or bashers interpret this as you wish but my advice is to not sell to the fear written on this board.