post from another boardpost from another board
" My mouth is agape readingthe mortgage rescue bill that is about to be voted intolaw by Congress as I realize that the U.S. mortgageindustry has just been effectively nationalized. Atthe same time, the national debt ceiling is beingraised by 'only' $800 billion to a mind-boggling $10.8trillion. My suspicion is they will need much more beforeit's over. Against this backdrop, gold and silver arebeing pushed around as if financial Armageddon didn'tjust knock on the door. The Euro may be overvalued andthe Eurozone might be having their own problems, butwhat just happened here with the rescue of Freddie Macand Fannie Mae is virtually guaranteed to send the U.S.dollar to new lows perhaps as far as 50 or below onthe dollar index. This piece of legislation is the newelephant in the room and will likely be the major driverfor gold and silver prices in the medium term."