BG GROUP2008 Second Quarter & Half Year Results
24 July 2008 page 1- 32
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Thank you and now over to Frank
Frank Chapman, Chief Executive
Discoveries have also been made in Algeria on the Hassi Ba Hamou Permit,
and in Trinidad & Tobago with the Bounty well on Block 5(c). In Thailand, the
Ton Sak well is our seventh consecutive success in the last two years.
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Fank Chapman:
Well let me just say that at early stage in some of these things.
For example, our discovvery in Trinidad, Bounty, is going to enter
production testing phase in the next few days. And ditto for Jordbaer
in Norway. So I think that until we`ve completed the programmes on
those two wells we wouldn`t like to comment any further on scale.
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Frank Chapman:
So Jordbaer is particularly interesting, Nucula is interesting.
Ververis early days, Bounty is material. Pi North is a small.
Algenia - there is a very interesting gas discovery there.
So these sort of give some indications.