Wet gasLets just take a step back here, for one I am not sure where the wet gas rumour came from but to paint it as a bad thing is not appropriate.
Secondly why all the salt analogies from what I recollect wet gas does not contain any salt. If formation water enters the picture there are numerous technologies available for detecting and removing. The salt fear is a litlle old school if you ask me. Maybe call Andarko and ask them about the Independance Hub near New Orleans.
Wet gas contains a valuable liquid hydrocarbon called condensate. Wet gas is almost never put in a pipeline. The valuable liquid hydrocarbons are removed in the field by a gas processing plant. The wet gas is cooled to remove the condensate, butane, propane and ethane which are called natural gas liquids (NGLs).
The most common way to deal with formation water (salt) and condensate water (fresh) is with MEG regeneration.
That all said, the wet gas rumour is weaker than the 7tcf hit rumour. Lets keep our eyes on the prize and as one poster put it, UNX exercised early for a reason, thats a fact not a rumour.