RE: Production in Goldnev's - wyldthingCorrection. They did bring Provost into production in February. From the May 1st/08 Corporate update:
"Provost Property Update
The previously announced scheduled work overs on the Corporation's two wells at Provost in east central Alberta were completed in early February, resulting in a gross production increase from 20 mscf/d to approximately 150 mscf/d (25 boe/d). This completes the initial capital program planned for this property, with the exception of minor optimization of the production facilities. Goldnev owns a 65% working interest in the Provost property."
And they are trying to rework a deal with Devon to drill and if successful increase production from the thousand cubic ft./day to the million cubic ft/day.
On the website for the project overview for Noel it states that:
"In 2008, the Corporation plans to re-complete the well to test two identified up-hole shallow gas zones, with the expectation that the well re-completion will produce on a gross basis approximately 1,000 mcf/d (or 166 boe/d)
The most obvious advantage to a successful re-negotiation is that production at Noel could go if successful from the
mcf/d (thousand cubic feet per day) range to the
mmcf/d (million cubic feet per day) of production. If not they will still drill by August.