RE: Firstly, you need to understandWhat a lot of you Patsies are failing to come to grasp with is the fact that RIC will....i said will...own IG for peanuts on the backs of the Pat shareholders and unless you guys do something about it, you're going to be toast.
Like B Ried, I've sold and moved on. But I'm still an URSA shareholder and as an URSA shareholder, I have a stake in this fiasco.
I hope RS has a plan to get us URSA shareholders out of this mess. Even money would be fine. Forget a profit, just get us out from under this mess.
And before you guys start howling about me posting on this BBs, you'd better look at Bruce Ried still sitting on your board of directors. To me, that just flies in the faces of all the decent Pat shareholders. To me, the is RS giving Pat shareholders all the finger.
But you guys like the finger. I don't.