NGP and future valuations...
are a long time developing.
Attempting to raise $$$ in current climate is both difficult and expensive - witness need for an additional $15M of seed capital. Also, focus on Blue Mountain, combined with failure of SRA to do any work of significant value on farm-out site, means that NGP lacks for sizzle = undervalued within peer group.
This makes the potential for a takeout a possibility in many market sectors.
Does "Green Power" have the ability to attract big $$$?
Especially, if located in Europe and many developing nations. Unfortunately, we in N. America seem to be treading corn, instead of focusing on long term, low cost, renewable energy that is both cost competitive and reliable - geothermal power.
As to harbk.s remarks, do you remember Continental Ridge Resources??? And what ever happened to our gold play??? Been here awhile and becoming a bit impatient. Pleased that you are around and, albeit seemingly self-appointed, a guardian of the NGP Board and protective of shareholder's positions.
P.S. Still wondering who blew the cool $1m on run up to $1.60 w/o any understanding of what is in the future for NGP.