OSU ProcessingProcessing
"Within the mill, progress is being made on ramping up throughput in both flotation and leach circuits. The flotation, thickening and filtering portions of the flotation circuit have shown they are capable of operating at required design specifications and operated at up to 180 tonnes per day of concentrate production. The flotation-circuit grinding is currently operating between 60% and 70% of design capacity. Leach-circuit grinding has shown the most improvement overall, increasing hourly throughput from 180 tonnes to 330 tonnes per hour, thus operating at 85% of design capacity."
Someone should consider calling OSU directly, not investor relations, and inquire wheter the CIL, Elution, and Electowining processes of the Gold Circuit are operating at design capacity. From the MD&A quoted above, this is not mentioned, but it appears that the "grinding/milling" is the ONLY problem for both circuits.
The only other question/potential problem is what OSU terms grade control. That is, the HGCF and/or LGCF ore stockpiles have lower grades than in the mine plan/feasibility study. It would be nice to know whether the ore grades are consistent with the Technical Report, and if not, why not... Investors really need better information regarding current gold and copper grades.