voice over datait is T.ONES software and ability to produce
voice over data WIRELESS which will be huge
they could hook up with a phone company
check Stockhouse interveiws
StockHouse: So it will be a while out until we are
all communicating on wireless data devices?
Seybold: I have doubts in my mind that this is really about +all+. There are 83 million and counting cell phones in
the US. My belief is that if 20% to 25% of those people turn into data users, we'll have a big market. But, when you say all, and the industry out here is
saying all, they say look at the potential, there's 83 million phones. The data market is not as big as the voice market and it never will be as big.
StockHouse: That's exactly what I was questioning when I spoke with Amazon. The company points to the number of cell phone users as the market they
can capture, and points to various industry reports that suggest a large percentage of uptake, but that is a big, theoretical leap.
Dewey: We've got a couple of numbers to show the size of the voice market and the size of the data market, and the one from Forrester is very
aggressive. And yet, [it shows] voice is growing at a much faster rate than data. Voice penetration is going to go up, up, up, that's where the big growth is,
not in data.
Seybold: The other thing you can see by walking this floor, is there are a lot of people who are working on voice
access to data, voice access to the Internet. In fact, Phone.com [PHCM], which founded the WAP forum and is a
big believer in WAP, bought a company called At Motion, which is a voice Internet access company. They
understand that it's not just about data, it's about voice and data.