MacMillan Gold adds a very significant propertyOn Wednesday MacMillan Gold announced the addition of what could be their most significant property. The option to acquire 100% interest in a copper / silver skarn the "LaSarita" property. This property contains a copper oxide layer which, if found in sufficient quantity, could be mined as an open pit very inexpensively. Oxide deposites have both a low capital cost and operating cost. The news release also goes on to say it could develop into significant tonnage and also could contain a possible layer of copper - silver sulphides under the oxide layer.
MacMillan may have its own Aguilla! Future exploration this fall could prove to be very exciting both in Mexico and in Peru.
Where are the US buyers? When David Morgan, a US advisor, recommended to buy MMG the stock took off to the 70 cents + range without knowing the significance of this new deposit just acquired. Surely when David learns the details and potential of this property he will provide an update to his clients. They should also learn the details of the merger and the new directors which hopefully will also add credibility and value to the stock.
MacMillan is once again selling for less than half the price of Duran, which means the Mexican properties are FREE!
I'd buy now before Dave Morgan and his clients. This stock should be trading over 70 cents!