They Are Back!!!The bashers have returned and one of them went to the .03 prediction right away! I love it! We must have good news and an uptick in the near future! We need a few more attacks on Charle's June profit taking and another assault on RC. Any hey, what about those native burial grounds that NAG has supposedly staked. Bring it on guys or you wil end up being unemployed! There is rumour that it wasn't Maple Leaf causing the listeria problem, but that it was NAG's bituminous stuff in the ground water leaching into the plant. Contact the Securities Commission immediately and sell your shares on the opening tomorrow! This news will be disastrous for all longs because all NAG shareholders of record as of Wed. Sept. 3 will be held criminally responsible and face prosecution. Sell tomorrow! NAG is going to .02. I am just trying to save everybody their life savings