Interesting from neighbour TowerVery interesting information on Towers homepage about the two wells drilled by Norsk Hydro:
"NorskHydro drilled two wells (1911/15-1 and1911/10-1) in the area in January1994 and June 1995 respectively. Thewells were drilled following anexploration prospectivity reportprepared by Norsk Hydro in late 1990(the “Norsk Hydro Report”). Thereport “confirmed extensive rift basinsalong the Namibian coastindicating good potential for traps and sourcerocks, and interestingreservoir configurations at differentstratigraphic positions in thenorthern part of offshore Namibia”.
Bothwells were plugged and abandoned as dryholes having reached total depthin several hundred metres of volcanicsthought to be of Aptian orpossibly Barremian age. Howeverneither wellwas drilled through the volcanics to the underlying mid tolateJurassic syn-rift sequence, which shows some clearhalf-grabenstructures and significant accommodation space fordeposition ofsediments.
TheAVO work revealed strong indications ofnatural gas in the northern areaof the Licence, some coincident withcommercial scale structures. Also,importantly, the analysis confirmedthat there should not be gas present at the locations of the twounsuccessful wells."
PerhapsSintez just have to drill a bit deeper to reach the "vicinity" where"significant oil reserves" is supposed to be present.