Big PictureI am only posting this on the LME board. I do not want the yelling and screaming of pumper.
September is always the transition month of volatility which sparks the fireworks in October
The tsx has just about tested a double bottom today.
The tsx-v has been a falling knife and has been gapping (turn around likely)
The rumors are still floating around in the U.S. of Merrill Lynch going under.
The move will devastate the U.S. Dollar which will cause gold to make its next move up.
The Canadian dollar has stabalized against the U.S. Dollar and is now in a sideways channel.
The CEO of LME has sent an email to everyone in the database of a special meeting to be held on Sept. 15-17.
Everyone including shareholders is invited.
The results from the other holes of the nickle project are due any time.
The channel sampling from Sturgeon River are due any time.
We are sitting at 5 to 6 cents. It will not take much for this to double from here.