My two big plays...
T.QEC for long... well seems like loooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggg term growth...
and T.HNU for the winter. Holding a lot of this. While gas did tumble, it was quite frightened when it hit $7.84 today that there would be a shortage... Gas can't be easily topped off from a strategic reserve, or imported like oil can.
Gas will disconnect, has disconnected from tumbling oil. More and more on TV you are seeing ads from T Boone and his friends that Gas needs to move into position to free us from foreign oil... I guess I am the foreigner here as I am Canadian and we export oil... but if you catch my drift. Gas will lead the energy group in October.
QEC will come along for the ride and in my opinion - held it's value hard today as it could have tumbled miserably along with everything else ENERGY that lost it's helium out of the balloon today.
This is JUST MY OPINION, and I am not a genius or anything so please only treat it like an opinion and not an attempt to sway others into thinking something they may not believe. But it's about the only thing I actually believe about this market right now. If you look out 6 months on every single thing you see nothing but gloom. People gotta heat their homes. They can park the SUV, they can put off that vacation that requires an airline flight, but they can't sit and freeze in their homes.