WiMAX World 2008https://www.wimax.com/commentary/news/wimax_industry_news/september-2008/Vecima-introduces-the-VistaMAX-365-and-58-GHz%20Wireless-Broadband-Access-System-0908
Vecima introduces the VistaMAX(TM) 3.65 and 5.8 GHz Wireless Broadband AccessSystem
Vecima has announced that its successful VistaMAX(TM) series has expanded to3.65 and 5.8GHz. The VistaMAX(TM) family includes WiMAX-compliant outdoorsubscriber stations, indoor CPEs, base station transceivers and a networkmanagement system. The VistaMAX(TM) 3.65 GHz system was specifically developedfor the US market, primarily to help with rural and sub-urban deployments. TheVistaMAX(TM) 5.8 GHz system is in high demand globally for licensed andunlicensed bands. The 5.8 system is slated to support not only the unlicensed5.8 GHz band but also the 4.9 GHz public safety band.
VistaMAX(TM) supports many applications including tiered residential Internetaccess, VoIP, cellular backhaul, enterprise data access and video backhaul.WiMAX is ideally positioned to support broadband access to SCADA (supervisorycontrol and data acquisition) for a number of industries currently relying onlow throughput serial modems like mining, energy and forestry.
The VistaMAX(TM) series is an inexpensive solution for wireless Internet serviceproviders and telecommunications companies looking to expand their broadbandfootprint and penetrate new markets. Vecima has a quality engineered solutionand can provide configuration support and training through its dedicatedApplications Engineering and Support (AES) group. With commercial deployments inmultiple countries around the world, Vecima is ready to supply new customerswith a pain-free solution to meet their specific requirements.
Vecima will be exhibiting at WiMAX World 2008 at booth 950.