Ironic for the fiveFunny how they made a sweet deal form RS to take them out of their Pat holdings to save their investment and by doing so, they are heading for Zero value for the exchanged URSA shares plus 10% premium as a buffer.
Pat is now trading 30%...or more....above URSA.
So I'm thinking. RS has been buying URSA shares back to reduce our risk and lower our float which he increased by 20% with this deal for the five.
Why not just wait until we're trading at zip, and consolidate all the shares at 10 to one?? (10 to one has a nice ring to it.) Keep whatever money he has in the treasury to tide us over until we can all sell later...or never sell.
Might as well do it seeing we're in the ditch now. It might help over the long term while we try and ride this out.
Not much fun is it?