valuationI have been trying to use investor line for months the stress of trying to use a system that is basicaly none functioning has got me to the point of seeking other services.
Check out Jillian Shaws report on the top ranking discount brokers in Canada- Investors Edge - is absent and for a very valid reason.
Of several traders I spoke to none have to wait more than a few minutes and most trades are placed in about a minute (full service Broker ) Apparently Schawb takes on average about a minute.
I do not care about Toronto or CDNX having problems that is another issue, what I am talking about is two hour waits to contact a CIBC broker. Two hours is one hour fifty two minutes too long IMHO.
Calling someone a WHINER who has valid concerns regarding the actions and service of a company says alot about the poster.
I wonder how many of these posters who keep looking for the upside to this stock bought it at 68 bucks and are looking at a loss. And no I am not a shorter ! I can not short because of the amazingly poor service offerred by CIBC. Perhaps if I keep fighting they will change and you will get your stock price rise.If you are not happy with the price invest your money in a company that has direction, offers outstanding service and has created a loyal customer following.
Trying to discredit others who are writing the truth about the service of a company does little to validate the company.You want the price to go up ? Help fix the problem.
I,m not going away