RE: The Ugly TruthPretty much fits with Naomi Klein's book and research - The Shock Doctrine - The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. I consider it a blue print for what is happening in world financial markets right now. To tie in with the article you have just provided, the IMF and WB would fit the description of the pimps. US and Euope are their last frontier and they couldn't stand to see all the money in the hands of the boomers. Surely do not want to see the boomers collecting on their pensions and old age security without getting a big piece of it. Loosing old age security and medical is not far fetched when you see what these crooks are doing. Make it look so expensive that governments and make the sheepel believe they can't afford it so it must be privatized. No mention of the billions and trillions these a$$holes have vaporized. More meat for them to gorge themselves on. Amazing how old age security and medical are looked at as socialist but bailing out these banks with tax payers dollars is a capitalist thing. If all that fails they can devalue their dollars making pensions worthless and medical as expensive as hell. God help us.