Once you look at the bookOnce you have looked at the book you will realize that there is not an unusual amount of seller.....just a lack of buyers. So get your shopping shoes on and look for that deep discount we always dream of. Its out there right now. I have been trading for 23 years and never have I seen deals like this, The Bank of Canada just cut the rates again. The Olympics are coming to Vancouver, were UZZ is well positioned. The trade is buy now under 15 cents and wait until the news comes out for the Olympics. The stock is sure to move up on that news. I believe that 0.30 is not an unreachable target. Thats double from here and only about 12 to 14 months away until the Olympic hype starts. Doubling my money in one year works good for me. I have been buying all the way down. Started at 0.28 and just bought some more today at 0.125. Crazy as it seems this is the one. I didn't buy a lot of stock because I already own quite a bit.
Cheers to the longs.....and hold on it will get better.
Please do your due diligence......go the the website and check it out.