HHAPPYA few questions for you being that you are Charles "bud" according to Rci(may he rest in peace lol) but I still beleive he is posting as goodinfo, anyways, you make insinuations that as your previous posts that an imminent silver bull run will benefit NAG and even more laughable SLT, first of all SLT does not have a speck of silver, only a spec of gold at Red Lake North lol. SLT is a goner imho much like a dodo bird. How will the silver rush benefit NAG??? I guess you would be refering to LL as far as a silver resource is concerned. Well tell me why NAG is not working on bringing the inferred resouce they have now to an indicated/measured resource to eventually do a prefeasiblity? Well imho the low low grade resource at LL, inferred and indicated, is too low in grade and not feasible due to the high arsenic levels and high cost of extracting the metals. Just ask Charles to explain to you the metallurgical tests done on the deposit at LL so far HHAPPY. So with this scenario now they are embarking on a last ditch effort to save LL by doing a costly ground program N and NW of the deposit too look for the smoking gun as Archie always says, meaning they are hoping on finding better grades north of the deposit, well all fine and dandy but what if they find nothing better than they have in their current 43101 compliant deposit, what then. My point in all this is would it not be better to use the 500g they just blew on the ground program at LL to get ACC 43101 compliant and put it in production and for exploring their saskatchewan plays??? With market conditions being as they are, in a time where conserving cash and or using the cash on more promising projects is a must. I just don't see LL as a promising project and if it is NAG management are not telling us about it.
Also HHAPPY could you pass on to Charles that there are some potential investors out there me included that may be interested in getting back into NAG if Charles would put out some news releases with some meat to them. Like yesterdays news release for instance, great NAG has more permits, well where are they, put out a flippin map with the news release or at least on the website, By the way Charles your website is outdated and it looks like chit, fix it!!! Charles states in yesterdays NAG PR that and I quote "Researchers were hired by North American Gem, immediately following initial permitting, to search for relative historical data in the potential Saskatchewan coal basin. The recovered data will help to guide the initial exploration program" unquote, well what did the researchers come up with??? Maybe an updated forward plan about the saskatchewan play would of helped some investors decide whether to buy in or not. What is the plan Charles??? And what about ACC, although you just aquired it Charles I would assume that you know the project inside out. According to your IR people, NAG worked on this aquisition for months before you aquired ACC. The IR people tell me that everything is in place to commence production at ACC, coal miners, coal buyers etc.... IR also says that NAG hope to be producing by year end, well that is in two months, I suppose Charles must know how much the miners hope to mining per day and how much it will cost per ton to mine. I guess Charles better have his ducks in a row. What are the plans at ACC Charles???? Looking back at NAG/SLTs new releases, they have all been vague, you Charles are the champion of putting out vague news releases with no information in them but with lots of insinuations, maybe that is how you want to do it, I mean if you actually put out a detailed news release with information then investors may just realise that you don't know what you are doing. But I still wish you luck though Charles you will need it. IMHO