The M&M Newsletter
Give to live Edition
Song by Sammy hagar
M&M Newsletter Written by Mark A. Mayr
Certified Investor RElations Specialist
Accredited at UC Irvine, Penn State and Utah State Universities
Hello everyone,
If you haven’t been reading the newsletters, you are definitely going to want to start ~ right now. Particularly some of the latest information posted on the “Real Stocks” thread at Ihub ~
Hedge Fund disaster is next on deck:
Europe one step short of. . .
. . .this. . .
Are the “insurance companies” under stress? No problem, lets just pump out another 700 billion dollars of taxpayer money. Where, exactly, is that printing press company? ~
Oh, God. . .I need a little music to sedate my nerves (a glass of wine is fine, as well). . .but not prior to sending my special message to The Bank of America and their ICCS as-holes. . .
Now for the music. . .
Conviction of The Heart
Kenny Loggins
I’ve been mentioning this worldwide banking fiasco is “systemic.” That means our German readers, Austrian readers and readers from the UK will be effected. I believe I may have a couple of Italian readers, as well. At any rate, they know what’s happening because they have been experiencing it with a somewhat “honest” press. You might see a couple of these articles posted twice, throughout the newsletter. If you notice this event, pat yourself on the back. . .because you are actually reading the articles. Better late than never. One of the best articles about the mortgage crisis (Asia Times) can be found here:
Guess who they felt so exceptionally fond of? Doesn’t it kind of make you wonder where we are all headed? . . .
Where You Going Now?
Damned Yankees
You know, there are great people out there who have actually been trying to tell the story of what is happening right now. . .and they were letting others know, years ago. Bob Moriarty from has been singing what is going on right now for well over three years. I don’t know how Bob and I stumbled across each other . . .probably the connection that came to me via the Internet while I was doing independent research prior to attending my courses at UC Irvine, CA. That website certainly helped me out with my coursework, I will tell you that much. The internet is a wonderful tool. We can share information and knowledge. Those who are willing to learn have a great tool at their dispense. Well, I guess there is plenty of information with the context of this issue of the M&M Newsletter to keep you all reading for awhile. But we have to get to the real fun stuff. . .and listen to the music. . .(very important part of the newsletter). . .
Something To Believe In
So where in the hell is Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney? Your methods for proclaiming madness to the world have succeeded. You did what no other president and VP in history has managed to do. . .you successfully destroyed our financial systems and our reputation around the world. Thanks, we appreciate it. And I’m sure the auto industry is proud of you:
You know, I sometimes have to wonder why our focus is so “distant” from the financial concerns of our own nation. There is a way to turn this thing around. It does not, however, appear as if anyone in the government is thinking about it. In fact, it is almost as if they are designing it to fail. I guess that would trap more and more people into a state of suppression so that they would be rendered powerless and the “plush seats” in Washington will continue to be occupied by those WE put into office. Hell, they have already proven they can continue to print up money until now and eternity ends to pay for their seats in congress and on the senate floor. They just slip a note to Burnanke and he orders the firing up of the printing presses. How long is it going to take for the people to begin figuring this out?
Historic loss for one of our banks:
Jobs are going down the tube, which in turn is following the economy:
One of the banks that is involved with the Bilderberg Group is cutting 10% of their workforce. You know, the bank that the Government decided to create into a “holding company” for all the banks that end up failing ~
Foreclosures on housing is up over 70% ~
Somebody finally figured out that we are in a recession ~
Others are also beginning to figure out George Bush’s GPA in college ~
But George Bush is still laughing ~
One of the best articles I have read in quite some time was published this week ~
Oh man, it is time for a music break. Where are the heroes (watch the video and listen to the song)?
Remember The Heroes
Sammy Hagar
We know, George. We know it’s not your fault you are laughing all the way to the bank. You were probably bought out by the banks and you were told by your father to keep your mouth shut. Particularly since we know about your family’s involvement with the Carlyle Group You know (as I ponder), let me help you out, that would be the “bankers” involved with the defense industry. We also (as has been previously sent out to the public) know about the Bilderberg Group. You know. . .that’s the “Boys Club” where everybody smokes cigars and decides who will work, and who won’t work ~ including presidents ~
The good thing is, George. . .we know what America stands for. . .and you are not representative of that. You had to have known about the actual state of this economy. You had to have known. You did graduate from college, correct? “C grade average” or not, at least you graduated. Voting season is coming. And “We The People,” are a little upset at you and Dick. Because you, your oil and banking industries and all of us Americans are going to take a financial slam never before seen in our lifetimes. You are supposed to be the leader of the United States of America. I’m surprised you flagrantly showed the American public which two banks you thought were most appropriate to save . . .including Goldman Sachs. Lets see here, let me dig this out of my bag once again. . . I know Halloween is coming so this must be a real treat. We’ll be happy with our “Hard Candy Christmas,” this year. Particularly, me. That is, unless. . .never you mind. I don’t want you (George) sticking your fingers in my business. No “cockroaches” are allowed in Mark’s world. At least you got Saddam, huh? He was hung. What was it for? Destroying people’s lives. Now you have probably destroyed 1/3 of the nation’s inhabitants with your ruthless spending and idiotic decision making. What even amazes me more is that your cohort, McCain, is speaking about your “failed policies.” Absolutely retarded, let me tell you. I guess all this stuff about spreading Democracy looks real good, right about now. Presidents that can be assassinated and the CEO / bankers that can make millions upon millions of dollars from taxpayers while they also receive government “bailout” packages at the taxpayer’s expense. . .
Who was that I saw in there with this “Bilderberg Group?” Wasn’t that Donny boy Rumsfeld? You know what really ticks me off? The banks have been placing “pawns” from what appears to be some secret group based in Europe inside of The White House, rather than true leaders ~ in charge of this nation voted in by the American public. And then, if they don’t like them, they kill them. . . . . . . .
You can correct me if I’m wrong, you have my phone number. Or you could have one of your “pawns” contact me. You know, I’m just a piss ant. I went to Utah State University, Penn State University, UC Irvine and Arizona State University. We won’t talk about GPAs. Apparently that’s not the way the system works. I truly expect more from our our leaders, and hope the rest of the world does, as well. We are definitely going to have to figure out how to place better people in places of high position.
True American people. We have “bankers” that appear to think they can rule the world.
Bankers that have screwed just about everything up they could possibly fu-k up over the past decade. I can’t believe this. What an embarrassment. A bunch of idiots run by CEOs making over 100 million + dollars a year. . .screwing everyone else’s life up. Thank you, you piece of sh-t stuffed coat losers. We who watch America and understand what is going on continue to support what we need to defend ourselves against and we also appreciate the efforts of “providing for the common defense” to “promote the general welfare of the nation, and to secure the blessings of liberty.” To the rest of the world, we apologize. Please forgive us, because apparently, we know not what we do. I’m going to end on that note.
Thank you,
Dreams ~
Van Halen