RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: News from RICTannin
What you seem to miss in all this, is URSA shareholders own approximately 28.0% of the outstanding common shares of Patricia.
Why should I own Pat when I own a whack of URSA??
And the martyred five gave up their Pat ownership to assume URSA you don't get it??
Kerbrilliant,,,,,nice to see your still around trying least for a while. You better hope that RS save one of these two companys. My bet is RS has more of a connection to URSA than Pat and that's why i think URSA will get saves and Pat will get....well one up the whazooooooo.
If URSA was not in such bad shape, I'd have said tyou might have a chance ove here. But the worse shape URSA is in the worse you guys are going to be.
And don't get me wrong. I want the best for Pat because we URSA shareholders own 28% of Pat. But in the end, URSA has to be around to collect it.
The martyred 5 weren't stupid....and I'm sure they have RSs ear....big time.
Go martyred 5!!!!!!