Kerbroke and the rest of the new KirkiesMan, you guys have to eat a lot of crow.
But that is in the past. Today, you have to consider taking those pat shares and vote them in order to save your butts. Unlike Kerbrokes decision to vote the sale down, i don't think you have any other choice but to vote for it.
If enough votes come in to defeat RS, you might as well send Pat into bankruptcy...and then URSA. This deal is the best RS can do and if you vote it down, how can you find a way or a Board of Directors that can make it better??
Vote for the sale and you get some cash( which I would turn into RIC shares), you get a few RIC shares to make up the 10 cent difference and you give URSA a chance to ride out this market. To bad URSA was drawn into this, but you guys wanted it and now you can see why it was a bad idea consolidating so much power in one hand using URSA shareholders money. A bofD that had not ties to URSA might have handled this whole mess in a different manner. Just maybe.
How come nobody ever thanks me for my posts??? Caww.....Cawww Cawww.....