Silver Lining and Corporate Prioritiesdiamondminder:
Thanks for the very timely and relevant post.
As I have pointed out over time, the large corporations have their Corporate Priorities and project ranking criteria and they run their business accordingly and perhaps much to the frustration of everyone else.. There has been some ( a lot of) speculation as to why it is taking so long to get Gahcho Kue on production when Diamet/BHP and Aber have been going already for some 10 years (in 1998) and 5 years (in 2003) respectively.
Well, I think the article that you referenced has cleared most of that up.
I include the relevant section from that article as excerpted below.
"...Gahcho Kué, in the Northwest Territories, was discovered more than a decade ago, but development has been delayed by lengthy permitting processes, as well as a decision a year ago to include the Tuzo kimberlite in the initial mine plan, rather than waiting to develop it in ten years or so, when the other two primary pipes were mined out.
Gowans concedes that there may be some frustration on Toronto-based Mountain Province's side at what the smaller firm may perceive as unnecessary delays.
“But you have to consider that, for us, we have a much longer-term view, and we have to take a look at which projects we want to push forward to get going faster, and which we don't.
“For them, it’s the only project that they have, so it's a natural thing that they want to have it done tomorrow, while we have to be much more systematic in our approach.”
For now, the partners are still debating when to submit the permitting application for Gahcho Kué, which has a resource of some 50-million carats, and on which they expect to begin engineering studies next year.
“I think we've got a pretty good game plan, we may have to go a little bit slower on that, but we're still moving forward,” Gowans said...."