Not Much Volume.... Everyone's Stocked Up Here??Measly volume today. Everyone's waiting for the Messiah to be elected and the Dems to take power and hurry along the upcoming crash. It'll be the perfect setup---- George Bush has spent the country into oblivion on idiotic wars and tax breaks for his Wall Street buddies and when Obama wants to start enacting his programs, there won't be any money for any of that, thanks to the present administration and their spending habits.
So it doesn't look like there was much buying on this one today. So everyone's pretty well stocked up on this one and just waiting for some news??
Oh and that brings up another thing. They "normally" (and if past history is any indication) release news releases every two to three weeks and have now for some months. Just go to their website and check on the frequency of the news releases. Same with the same period of time LAST YEAR...frequent news releases every few weeks. Anyway, they'll come as they're ready and here's hoping there should be some more home runs in there, whenever that is. Till then....