Hudbay resultsFrom the Hudbay news release I read "higher net profits interest expense associated with the Callinan agreement" . That sounds good for CAA shareholder. We shall see what the payment in in a few weeks.{848AEC2E-0F5D-4B9C-9227-EEE926AEC50C}
Operating Expenses
Operating expenses were $154.8 million in Q3 2008 ($188.8 million inQ3 2007) and $530.0 million year-to-date ($570.7 YTD in 2007). Thelower expenses in the third quarter reflect lower sales volumescaused mainly by lower volumes of purchased concentrates, decreasingcopper prices resulting in gains on provisional pricing adjustmentson purchased concentrate, and lower profit sharing expenses. Thesereductions were partially offset by higher processing costs, highernet profits interest expenses associated with the Callinan agreement,and costs to put the Balmat mine on care and maintenance.
Year to date, lower expenses were due to lower sales volumes relatedto reduced purchased concentrate volumes, the appreciation of theCanadian dollar, which reduced US dollar denominated operating costs,and lower profit sharing expenses. These were partially offset byhigher costs of purchased copper concentrates, higher mining andprocessing costs, higher net profits interest expenses associatedwith the Callinan agreement, and costs to put the Balmat mine on careand maintenance.