RE: CLOSE .09 VOL616,200 nikkerThey got you You just got caught holding a stock at 10 cents that could be worth alot more if all falls into place. When it gets to .20 you did the right thing. Hard to be right if you don't enter the risk you take. Then your just talking about what could of been. What are you going to learn? Not to take risk. If the market is bullish its easy to be right. When its bearish you have to hold longer to be right. Also any stock you buy has to have some reason at some point to move forward and it takes alot longer. Keep in mind this isn't a fair game. They push stocks up to sell in to and down to buy in to. Some of us were talking about where it would be right to set a buy on stop order to catch a new trend up. The reason we said 13.5 was to more then comfirm a up trend because if it could get way out of normal trading range it would need real news to get there in the first place. The .12 wasn't enough as we just seen. They pushed it to that level and sold out to the buyers sitting at that point . Because we all know that under normal times this is a good habit to follow to score a good entry point on the up trend.
My point is that when the market as a whole changes we have to change our habits with it or old habits won't work as some just seen on mir and many others i've been watching. Up trends are sold in to not taken above even with news or for not very long anyway as i look around. Time to buy from the cowards and sell to the greedy. lol
Nikker when you can get them all right don't forget to help the rest of us people that get some wrong. If were stuck mir is a good stock to be stuck with. Always need a test before a cure.