DO-27 may become economic
A recent article by Will Purcell appears at (see News Release)
This section provides room for hope that DO-27 may become economic though not for a while:
" at DO-27 has nowreached the point where
the partners arewilling to sit and wait for a series ofevents to occur that would make the projecteconomic.
"Peregrine recently completed apreliminary economic assessment thatdetermined the DO-27 project would notcurrently be economic to develop, but itcame sufficiently close to support hopes forbetter days. The project will need higherdiamond prices -- something that mostdiamantaires predict for the next decade,once the global recession ends and somemajor mines reach the end of their lives.
"The sharply weaker Canadian dollar isalso helping, as diamonds are sold in U.S.dollars, and the loonie is off by about 15per cent from when Peregrine's study wascomplete. Costs should be lower as well. Theprice of oil is now less than one-half thelevels of late spring and early summer, andcollapsing commodity prices are putting manya miner onto the unemployment lines...."
As I understand it, through is ownership of DHK Kettle River effectively owns about 5% of the DO-27. If and when DO-27 becomes economic what would that do to share price?